Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A wonderful moment in life

As I reflect on the true meanings of mindfulness, the one that stands out to me more than any others as I begin this new years is that of awareness of the moment.  That is to say that I have been intentionally stopping myself during the living of daily life during the past few days and becoming aware.  It is as if I stop life and take a snapshot with my mind.  I capture the moment and enjoy it for what it is...a wonderful moment in life.

This practice has an amazing effect on me.  For one, it slows me down and helps me to become more aware of my surroundings and how I am interacting with them.  Also, It allows time to momentarily stop so I can look around at what life has given me. 

When I say, a wonderful moment in life, I am certainly not saying that life is alway perfect at the times that I take a stop and become aware.  What I mean instead is that that moment is wonderful for what it is...regardless of what it is.  It may be raining, or I may feel anger or frustration.  Things are by no means perfect, but the fact that I get to be in the moment, and enjoy its offering, even if there is pain, is a wonderful moment in life.

For me, this is a new intention.  All new habits or changes must begin as new intentions.  I must make a conscious choice to stop, look around, be aware, notice and listen.  Right now, I practice this mindfulness when I remember that it exists.  I imagine, like meditation, I will be able to find myself already in the state of awareness or the moment without being intentional.  For now, and however long it takes, I must make this an intention.

Mindfulness is truly a practice.  Like anything new that requires practice, I expect it to be and feel clumsy at times.  Also, like a new practice, I don't expect to be very good at it.  Practice of course is the way that we get good at things like this.  It takes the repetition and work, intention and persistence, and of course...the commitment. 

I see this practice of stopping the moment to enjoy what life is at that moment taking me various other places.  The incredible part of mindfulness is that the opportunities are as endless as the mind allows them to be.

One thing is certain.  Mindfulness is the opposite of mindlessness.  Living a mindless existence is not truly living.  It is merely going through the motions as if robotic or on auto-pilot.  There are no connections with life in this process.  There is no awareness.  And...there is little value.  Mindfulness gives value to being alive.  It gives life such a purpose.

See Mindfully.


Mark Levine


A wonderful moment in life

As I reflect on the true meanings of mindfulness, the one that stands out to me more than any others as I begin this new years is that of...